April: Accessible Meeting Minutes

Accessible Skills To Use


Use headings to organize your notes by topic or date. Headings provide a visual break in the content which makes scanning and finding relevant information easier.  For people using assistive technologies, such as a screen reader, headings allow them to navigate the content via their keyboard. Without structure, there is no easy way to navigate a document because the document is read as a single long section.

  • Microsoft Word (Office 365):
    Screenshot: Microsoft Word ribbon with Styles button selected and Heading options
  • Google Docs:
    Screenshot: Google Docs tool bar with the headings menu unfolded


Use an ordered list to prioritize the items in your agenda. Use unordered, or bulleted, list if items are not in a specific order.

  • Microsoft Office menu list options
    Screenshot: Microsoft Word unordered and ordered list icons
  • Google Docs menu list options
    Screenshot: Google Docs list icons for checklists, unordered lists, and ordered lists


  • You can quickly create embedded links by selecting your text and typing  command+K (Mac) or  Ctrl +K (Windows). 
  • Embed links into meaningful text.  That means not pasting long urls into the document, and instead enclose them in text.  For example: 
    • “Watch the UMD Hockey Introduction video!”  is better than… 
    • “Watch the video here,” which is better than…
    • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ruVN2-BMl0 
  • All three items link to the same awesome introduction, but the first is easiest to read for both sighted and non-sighted users.

Learn More about Accessible Meeting
